Personal information

    Comntact person

    In case we can't call you during the race or we can't find out what happens to you.

    How will you race?

    [group group-715]

    Organizational details

    We will be giving out starter packs and trackers to racers on October 4, 2024 after 2:00 PM at the Isadore Community Hub. In the event that you will be traveling to Bratislava from a greater distance and will only arrive on the Saturday before the race (before 6:00 a.m.), we need to know that. Check-in on October 5 will only be used if necessary.

    Tell us about yourself

    We publish links to social networks in the list of riders and include your answers in articles, for example. They are therefore voluntary, but we will be very happy if you share with us as much as possible.

    Can we use your Insta photo on our channel?


    [mpconsent mpconsent-614 rules: "By filling in and sending the data, you agree to be included in the public list of riders and to receive information about the race. At the same time, you undertake to follow the rules of the race written in and confirm that you have familiarized yourself with them."]